The Operational Reporting Steering Committee has begun the process of defining and documenting student data, beginning with student address types (SPRADDR_ATYP_CODE).
For a quick overview of frequently asked questions about this report, please review the Address Proposal FAQs. You can view the full report and appendices via the links below.
Appendix A - Proposed Data Definitions
Appendix B - Family Address Overview
Appendix C - Family Address Diagram
Compiled following extensive consultation with functional users across campus, the committee’s report documents current pain points, recommends specific changes to improve student address data, and defines terms. Before publishing the data definitions, the committee is soliciting campus feedback during an open comment period.
An important part of the student reporting initiative is developing and disseminating unique and reliable data definitions for frequently used fields. Defining key fields in Banner will advance the data literacy of analysts and users. Data definitions will improve decision support by enabling greater consistency in the use of common data. A side effect will be to improve data quality in Banner.
The goal of the data definitions process is to bring functional users toward a shared understanding of what key data fields mean, how they are used by various constituents and in different contexts, and how to distinguish related fields for appropriate use in reporting and analysis.
In order to enable effective data governance, the output of the data definitions work encompasses more than a basic data dictionary. Defining and documenting the context around foundational data pillars such as student, instructor, course, aid/award, and others represents a worthwhile effort.