Address Proposal FAQs

Q. Students often end addresses without adding a new, current address, leaving them without any active addresses at all. How will end dates be handled under the new proposal? 

A. In order to prevent students from end dating all their active addresses, students will no longer have the option of choosing an end date for their permanent address. Additionally, international students will not be able to end date their OISS U.S. Address or their OISS Foreign Address. Instead, students will be able to select a start date for any of these three address types from the current date forward. When the student saves the new address, an end-date for the old address will be automatically inserted into Banner, effective one day prior to the start date of the new address.  

Students will still have the option of choosing both a start and an end date for the following address types: 

  • Campus Address 
  • Diploma Address 
  • Mailing Address 
  • Local Address 

Q. When will these changes be implemented? 

A. The changes will be phased in over time, and some are dependent on the timeline of other projects. 


Creation of a custom Banner page for students to enter addresses will address the following:  

  • Mandate and enforce a requirement that all students maintain an active Permanent address. Certain student populations will also be required to enter a Local Address and OISS addresses.  
  • Provide students explanatory text about the address types and uses.  
  • Enforce an end date for short term address types 
  • Publish a page on the Banner Support website with data definitions for Address Types. 
  • Rename or repurpose specified active addresses to match current practice and need. 
  • Reevaluate current practices around High School Addresses.  
  • Inactivate K1, K2, and K3 address types. This will require more in depth analysis and planning to determine how to handle historical data. 
  • The project to establish consistency in the Admissions push from Slate will continue through FY21. The project team will utilize recommended address types and hierarchies in the implementation. Over time, as each school reimplements their admission feeds, data consistency will improve.  

Q: What about phone numbers for emergency contacts? I have a hard time finding those. 

There are many questions related to phone numbers for emergency contacts. Phone numbers were not in scope for this initial review, however a detailed explanation of the various tables and entry points for student contact information can be found on the Understanding Banner Data page.   

Q: Is Diploma Address used?  

Diploma addresses are entered in SSB by students. The requirement to enter this address type varies by school. If a student requests a Diploma be mailed, this is the address that the University Registrar’s Office will use.  

Q. The proposal recommends deprecating both Seasonal and Temporary address types. However, we have some students who may only be at an address for part of the year. How will we handle these students? 

Students can maintain more than one address of the same type, as long as the dates do not overlap. Temporary addresses should be entered with the appropriate start and end dates for any of the following address types: 

  • Campus Address 
  • Diploma Address 
  • Mailing Address 
  • Local Address 

If a student wishes to enter a short-term PR, NU, or RL address, they can simply enter the start date of their next address in order to end the current address for that type.