Banner is the Student Information System supporting business processes within Admissions, Financial Aid, Registrar, and Student Administrative Services at Yale University. The Banner Support website provides the University community with a centralized location for Banner information: user access, announcements, FAQs, training guides, and support. This site is intended to be a central resource about Banner at Yale.

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Accessing Banner
University employees seeking access to Banner administrative forms should have their supervisor submit a formal request for access via the form link below. The University Registrar’s Office will grant access if the request is reviewed, deemed appropriate, and approved.
Banner users must comply with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. Before access to Banner is issued, new users will be asked to agree with the FERPA responsibilities required of employee members handling student information.
For questions about access to Banner, write to
Requesting Banner Data
University employees who need access to Banner Data must complete a Data Usage Request (DUR) form. Submissions will be sent for review to the University Registrar’s Office and be routed for additional approval as necessary. All persons requesting data will be asked to:
- Provide a statement of legitimate educational interest for needing the requested data
- Provide relevant documentation such as a Security Design Review and Cloud Addendum
- Sign-off on an understanding and commitment to follow University policies regarding data use